Posts tagged #furniture
Your 'Red Flag' Checklist For Avoiding a Potential 'Money Pit' Property Purchase

SPEAK Interior Design, Home Staging Services. Are you planning on purchasing a property you plan on renting, renovating for resale? Have you ever considered utilising the services of a professional room stager? Take a look at our property checklist of what to look for when purchasing your property. Con tact SPEAK today for your Home Staging or Interior Design Project professional support.

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SPEAK: Top Ten Tips for Room Staging Your Space!

Did you know using the room staging services of a designer can allow you to achieve multiple benefits in relation to your property? Room staging allows for increased rentals, traffic to your listing and as well as a 10-20% above valuation rate for your property. Room staging should considered a must for prospective sellers and property investors as a winning tool to increased revenue.

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